what we’re offering

Some of the services we provide


Companies & Trusts, Income Tax, VAT, UIF/PAYE, Workers Comp and more.

Income Tax Returns

We assist with submitting tax returns to the revenue services.
Income Tax Returns

Business Plans

We prepare simple and complex business plans based on the clients needs.
Business Plans

Tax Planning

We are tax specialists who sit with each client annually, and review their tax positions.
Tax Planning

Business Consulting

We spend time with our client and evaluate their operations, providing valuable feedback and advice.
Business Consulting

Labour Relations

Evaluate compliance with the labour relations act and advise of shortfalls, plus more.
Labour Relations

Financial Investigations

Our specialists investigate theft, losses of monies, stock & other company resources.
Financial Investigations


We assist the client with the completion and submission of tender documents.



Loans and Grants

We facilitate loan applications to various financial institutions as well as application for government grants.
Loans and Grants

BEE Certification

We facilitate BEE Audits in association with IRBA accredited agencies. .
BEE Certification

Why choose us?

We offer individual attention to ALL our clients and would be glad to accommodate our clients after hours, or on weekends. If you are looking for that personalized attention, that doesn’t cost you and arm or a leg, contact us and a consultant will be happy to call on you.